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Tribal, wild and archaic; Feet in the soil, sun on our skin, wind in our hair. This is who we are.

As creatures of the Earth, we prefer to be as close to the elements as possible; As our ancestors were, naked, wild and connected. Hmm, sounds like a contradiction, right? A brand selling clothing advocating nudity? Well in our eyes, they one in the same. Indeed, it is crucial to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and well-being to be outside and amongst our mineral, plant and animal counterparts; To be immersed in the seasons and rejoicing in the sensations they offer. Yet sometimes, and especially in the winter climate, during heavy rains, snowfall, and the arctic winds you find down south, or furthermore even due to social and cultural obligations. As when we visit cities to dance through the streets with friends and family, clothing is an absolute necessity...

So when life calls upon us to cover up, we want to choose garments that do not sever, but continually connect us to the natural and organic world surrounding us. But, how would something as trivial as clothing, fabric draped upon our bodies, sever our connection with this beautiful planet? Simple. Soft plastics and petrochemicals. You see, we remove our feet from the soft sands, the nutrient rich soils, the lush green grasses, and the magnificent waters of this earth to place them directly into plastics and rubbers. Similarly, we cover our bodies in fabrics synthesized from soft plastics, and coloured from petroleum based dyes. Disgusting right? And perhaps you shop for only cotton and wool? Well, unfortunately, just like fruit and vegetables from your local supermarket, unless you're buying organic, you can be assured the natural fabrics you're resting your bodies within have been grown in and sprayed with a variety of chemicals. Antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and artificial fertilizers. So armed with the knowledge that the skin absorbs 60 to 70% of what it comes into contact with, we must take care and act accordingly. You see, our bodies are a living temple, we must honor them as we would honor this beautiful planet. This is why we choose only the highest quality organic material. Grown with nothing but the sun, soil and water. We stay in balance with the natural world. But what about the dyeing process? Well, again, we seek assistance from the plant kingdom and soak our fabrics in the rich colors that seep from organic native fruits, vegetables, leaves, bark and flowers of Indonesia. No chemicals and nothing synthetic, ever. This is our Eternal promise to you.

Another way we have lost touch with all that encompasses us is branding. We've allowed ourselves to become products of this commercial and industrial world that we live. We purchase clothing (disconnecting and potentially poisonous clothing as mentioned above) that is covered with messages and images imprinted by companies and people whom we truly know nothing about. To us, this is worrisome. Before you freely advertise a symbol, logo or message, you must ask yourself – Firstly: Are they ethical? Are they treating this beautiful and inspiring world with care? Do they know the people whom work for them and care for them also? Then secondly: Are their intentions pure? So, the question is, can I really support something which I do not know of? And on top of the essentially free advertising you give the company you've just paid, are the messages and images meaningful? Do they stimulate growth, connection or even compassion? Are they helping and supporting you? Are they helping and supporting the person that have just walked past? Are they helping and supporting the overall collective of our species? Are they helping this world? We have really thought about this… and it's our intention to change this design flaw. So, on our clothing you'll find little to no branding. Instead, you will find affirmations, blessings and pure intention. We want you to be able to pick up your clothing and feel good, both externally and internally. We want the person walking behind you to remember who they are and how beautiful they truly are without bombarding them with unnecessary branding. We want the earth and its creatures to return to love.

When purchasing from Eternal Fire, know that you are supporting our dream of a more loving and connected humanity. Free from toxins, chemicals and environmental pollutants. Connected eternal.

Tribal, wild and archaic; This is who we are.




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